XzioX Applications

XZIOX® is a stable biocide that eliminates bacteria, disinfects surfaces, breaks down biofilm and is also effective for odour control. XZIOX® is an efficacious algaecide, bactericide, fungicide and viricide that has shown superior performance over chlorine and chlorine-type disinfectants. XZIOX® is one of the most advanced and environmentally-friendly solutions available in the world today. XZIOX® is now the solution of choice for most of the water treatment applications.

XZIOX® is a highly effective and unique water treatment solution, a tried and tested high-quality biocide, bactericide, viricide, fungicide, algicide intended to treat water issues in various sectors. XZIOX® main objective is to kill bacteria. XZIOX® is made by mixing two liquid reagents with water to produce a high purity 0.35 % (3500 ppm) chlorine dioxide solution which is then used in some of the following apllications.

Drinking Water Disinfection and Purification

Drinking Water Disinfection has been a major factor in reducing epidemics of typhoid and cholera.

Disinfection is achieved by the addition of chemicals effective at controlling the pathogenic microorganisms that cause health problems in humans.

XzioX Chlorine Dioxide is highly effective in controlling waterborne pathogens while minimizing halogenated disinfection by-products in drinking water..

Poultry and Livestock

Water is involved in every aspect of poultry metabolism. It plays important roles in regulating body temperature, digesting food, and eliminating body wastes. At normal temperatures, poultry consumes at least twice as much water as feed. When heat stress occurs, water consumption will double or even quadruple. A safe and adequate supply of water is therefore essential for efficient poultry production.

Vegetable and Fruit Processing

An increased awareness of food safety requirements and recent events with contaminated produce including spinach, lettuce, tomatoes, and more, have made everyone more aware of the need for cleaner produce. Consumers, foodservice operators, industrial processors, and even government regulators are demanding that something more needs to be done for effective biocidal control in all aspects of food preparation and packaging.

Brewing and Beverages

The importance of hygiene, particularly with respect to the elimination of micro-organisms, has, since the advent of cold aseptic filling, been a regular topic of discussion in the beverage industry.

One option, of increasing popularity, is the use of chlorine.


The water quality used for irrigation is essential for the yield and quantity of crops, maintenance of soil productivity, and protection of the environment. For example, the physical and mechanical properties of the soil, ex. soil structure (stability of aggregates) and permeability are very sensitive to the type of exchangeable ions present in irrigation waters ...

Aquaculture Biosecurity

The specific problems faced by the aquaculture industry require the application of a safe, effective technology, to reduce the threat of infection and stock losses due to disease.

Ximax Water Solutions have developed a range of advanced products to prevent bacterial and viral outbreaks in the aquaculture industry. XzioX Chlorine Dioxide will ensure all pathogenic microorganisms are rapidly and effectively destroyed in the disinfection of fish processing water and any other equipment used in the fish industry; such as tanks, ponds, nets, equipment, and boats....

Swimming Pools

Swimming pool water is the potential recipient of a wide range of pathogenic micro-organisms. These may be delivered by a variety of routes including direct excretion by bathers, transport on the body, or growth within the filter bed. Without positive steps to inhibit the viability of these organisms the swimming pool would become a major health hazard.

In order to maintain effective control of disease causing organisms in the swimming pool it is necessary to appreciate the sources of potential contamination, the types of pathogenic organism, the routes of infection and the mechanisms of disinfection.

It is also important to appreciate that the steps taken to reduce the potential for disease transmission may have the potential to adversely affect the swimming environment...

Cooling Towers

Cooling towers are heat rejection devices used to transfer process waste heat to the atmosphere. Cooling towers may either use the evaporation of water to reject process heat and cool the working fluid to near the wet-bulb air temperature or rely solely on air to cool the working fluid to near the dry-bulb air temperature.

The biggest problem with this kind of industry is the process releases Legionella species the causative agent of the human Legionnaires' disease and the lesser form, Pontiac fever.  Legionella transmission is via aerosols — the inhalation of mist droplets containing the bacteria...

Waste Management

The use of domestic waste water for crop production has been practiced for several centuries in one form or another. Over the past 20 years there has been a strong revival of interest in the controlled use of waste water for crop irrigation. In addition to consumer health protection, the main reasons are:
• scarcity of alternative water supplies
• need to increase local food production
• need to improve rural health standards; and
• concern for the increasing degree of surface water contamination .....

Rainwater Harvesting

Rainwater harvesting is the accumulation and storage of rainwater for reuse on-site, rather than allowing it to run off. In Ghana this is very common especially in more rural areas where piped water is not available. This harvested water is often stored in concrete pits sunk into the ground or collected into large poly-tanks and then used for washing, food irrigation, cooking and other domesticated uses.

However, when rainwater is collected it is more often than not contaminated and if left untreated can cause serious health issues . . .