Frequently Asked Questions
What is chlorine dioxide?
Chlorine dioxide is a highly effective, eco-friendly microbiocide that carries US EPA, FDA and UK Government approvals for many of its uses. It is a selective oxidant that eliminates both planktonic and sessile bacteria, disinfects surfaces, and rapidly destroys biofilms.
What is XzioX?
XzioX is made from mixing two liquid reagents with water to produce a high purity 0.35 % (3500 ppm) chlorine dioxide solution. XzioX /chlorine Dioxide is an efficacious algaecide, bactericide, fungicide and viricide that has shown superior performance over chlorine and chlorine-type disinfectants.
What is the difference between XzioX and chlorine?
XzioX Chlorine dioxide is not the same as chlorine; it is radically different in its properties despite sharing the word “chlorine”. Although both chlorine dioxide and chlorine are oxidising agents (or electron receivers), chlorine dioxide is significantly more effective as a biocide and disinfectant than chlorine. This is because chlorine molecules have the capacity to accept only two electrons, whilst chlorine dioxide has the capacity to accept five. The chemistry is more similar to ozone than chlorine.
Is XzioX (Cl02) environmentally friendly and does it create harmful by-products?
XzioX chlorine dioxide is far more environmentally friendly than other oxidising biocides and disinfectants including chlorine and bromine. Substituting chlorine dioxide for chlorine eliminates the formation of toxic halogenated disinfection by-products including trihalomethanes (THMs) and other chlorinated compounds that are harmful to the environment. In fact chlorine dioxide actually helps to remove substances that can form trihalomethanes. The disinfection is by oxidation as chlorine dioxide does not have either addition or substitution reactions associated with its chemistry.
How effective is XzioX and which pathogens will it destroy?
XzioX chlorine dioxide is a strong bactericide and viricide at concentrations as low as 0.1 ppm. It will eliminate both planktonic and sessile bacteria; and rapidly remove problematic biofilm. With minimal contact time, it is highly effective against many pathogenic organisms including:
• Bacterial spores
• Legionella (Legionnaires' disease)
• Biofilm
• Tuberculosis
• Salmonella
• Cryptosporidium
• Giardia cysts
• Coliforms
• Listeria
• Shigella
• Algae
• Amoebae
• Taste and odour
• THM/HMM formation
• Planktonic and sessile organisms
Is XzioX chlorine dioxide effective against biofilm?
XzioX Chlorine dioxide is stable and soluble, allowing it to travel to the base of the film where it attacks micro-organisms and destroys the biofilm at its point of attachment. Other oxidisers react mostly on the surface of the biofilm to form an oxidised layer, like charring on wood. This precludes further penetration. No other biocide has been shown to control biofilm better than XzioX chlorine dioxide.
What approvals has XzioX Chlorine Dioxide?
Chlorine Dioxide has many Government approvals from around the world including the EPA, the FDA/FDB and WHO. XzioX has many approved uses in potable water applications and is being used successfully in various aspects of process water and primary disinfection, in an array of industries for human consumption.
Is XzioX chlorine dioxide effective over a wide pH range?
XzioX Chlorine dioxide is effective over a wide pH range (5 – 10). For example, the pH dependent speciation of chlorine produces hypochlorite ion and hypochlorous acid (HOCl). Hypochlorite is only 1/30 to 1/200 as effective as HOCl. Chlorine dioxide being a neutral species with rapid disinfection kinetics is 100% available for disinfection in hard or soft water.
Do I need expensive equipment or a generator to create XzioX chlorine dioxide?
No, XzioX chlorine dioxide solution can be used without the need for additional plant and equipment, helping to reduce up-front capital costs and expenditure.
Can chlorine dioxide be used to control Legionella bacteria?
In the UK, the Building Services Research and Information Association (BSRIA) has recommended chlorine dioxide as the best available technology for the control of Legionella in hot and cold water systems.
Is XzioX Chlorine Dioxide corrosive?
It is a known fact that Chlorine Dioxide is not corrosive when dosed in to any water system. It is the preferred replacement for many other chemicals because of this reason. The water treatment industry has been using classical clo2 for many years and the main reason they choose this is because it does not damage any equipment such as pipes and filters. It is also compatible with some construction materials.
Which XzioX chlorine dioxide products are available?
Ximax Limited offer a full range of chlorine dioxide related products:
What is XzioX liquid solution?
XzioX liquid is a technically advanced two component liquid based chlorine dioxide (ClO2) delivery system that has been developed to produce high purity chlorine dioxide without the need for generators or specialist equipment. The two liquid components once mixed together in water quickly work to create a highly effective, solution of chlorine dioxide that is ready for use.
Alternative pack sizes include:
L500 - Delivers 500 litres of chlorine dioxide at 0.35%.
L100 - Delivers 100 litres of chlorine dioxide at 0.35%.
L50 - Delivers 50 litres of chlorine dioxide at 0.35%.
What is XzioX Powder Solution?
XzioX powder solution is a technically advanced two part powder based chlorine dioxide (ClO2) delivery system that has been developed to create a quick and easy way of producing high purity chlorine dioxide without the need for specialist equipment.
What procedures are required to switch from the current used disinfection system to XzioX system?
The technical specifics of switching from their current treatment to XimaX chlorine dioxide will vary greatly depending application. Generally most dosing processes are continuous and will therefore require some form of controlled dosing, either via water meter or some other control. So we are firstly looking at a pump, which has to be compatible with clo2. Secondly they will want close control of the residual level in the water, so this will be via some from of on line analysis. If potential customers are currently using chlorine, a swap could be relatively easy, with just small changes.
What is the typical equipment required to dose XzioX?
Dosing pump, with pulse input
Dosing tank
Suction line and foot valve
Water meter, with pulse output
Injection quill
Associated pipes, valves and fittings
Residuals can be monitored in different ways such as Test strips or Hatch meter
Please explain how dosing works with flow of water?
The dosing is proportional to the flow of water detected in the system, ie your dosing pump will dose the appropriate amount of chemical as required.
What is the reaction time of XzioX?
Reaction time from the 2 components combining in water approx. 1hr Disinfection properties are good with effects being instant, i.e. as long as there is a demand XzioX will react immediately.
Is there any residual left after XzioX treatment?
Trace element of a harmless sodium compound (salt to you and I)
Is there any formula to calculate the quantity of XzioX?
Total volume of water * ppm divide/ by 3500 = XzioX quantity needed.
What is required to dose XzioX into water flow?
A simple tank and pump system would be required. The product would be dosed proportionally to the flow rate of the water.
Can XzioX combat E.coli and Salmonella for 72 hours?
It would be difficult to maintain such a low level for such a long time period without further controlled additions to keep the concentration at 0.05 ppm
If we add XzioX made up solution in chlorinated water, what results we will have?
In low concentrations the two will compliment each other and should have a better bacterial kill than chlorine alone. Also please keep in mind that the majority of clients activate the product using mains chlorinated water.
Do we need five times less quantity of XzioX compared to sodium hypochlorite?
This is correct, but please be aware the chemical demand and oxidative demand varies in different applications.
What’s the optimum dosage for different applications etc?
Drinking water/ residual of 0.5 ppm
Mineral Water – for sterile rinse… 1 to 2 ppm
Beverages industries – for the application of sterile rinse 1/3 ppm, Cap rinse -1/3 ppm,
CIP lines- 1/3 ppm, shock dosing water lines – 10 ppm
Juice/drink Manufacturers – rinse for the bottling- 1/3 ppm, Shock dosing- 10ppm
Wine producers- Vat cleaning- 3 /4 ppm
What is the dosage for drinking waters?
European legislation permits a residual of 0.5ppm, this translates to in real terms for the following, mains water: 0.75ppm, bore/natural source: 1-2ppm.
In equipment and reservoirs treatment can we use ClO2 1mg/l during several cycles?
In principle 1ppm is ok, again depending upon initial water quality.
What is XzioX custom tariff number?
Component A Customs Code: 2833.
Component B Customs Code: 2828.
Can XzioX chlorine dioxide be used for potable water treatment?
Chlorine dioxide is used extensively for use in the treatment of potable water, industrial waters and community purification plants. It is also ideal for smaller water supplies such as cisterns and hospital water systems. XzioX Chlorine dioxide is approved and recommended by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) as an environmentally friendly drinking water additive to replace chlorine (which is known to form carcinogenic by-products) for both the pre-treatment and final disinfection of potable waters.
Can chlorine dioxide be used for wastewater treatment?
Chlorine dioxide is excellent for use in the treatment of industrial and process wastewater. It can also be used effectively for odour control and pollutant oxidation. Chlorine dioxide safely oxidises phenols, cyanides, aldehydes and mercaptans; and reduced sulphur compounds and some pesticides. Chlorine dioxide is highly versatile and is also useful in both wastewater treatment and scrubber.
Please give some details on municipal water systems?
Some municipal water systems use chlorine dioxide to eliminate taste and odour problems from drinking waters (EPA 2002c; Kaczur and Cawlfield 1993; Vogt et al. 1986). The advantage of using chlorine dioxide, rather than chlorine or ozone, is that chlorine dioxide does not react with organic matter to form trihalomethanes (THMs); it also does not transform bromide into hypobromite (OBr-), which could react with organic matter to form bromoform (CHBr3) or bromate (BrO3 -) (Aieta and Berg 1986; Stevens 1982; WHO 2000).
Can XzioX chlorine dioxide be used for the treatment of ultrapure water?
Ultrapure water is used in a number of specialised processes; it is used to process pharmaceuticals, to rinse silicon microchips; and to feed high pressure-boilers and turbines in power plants and chemical processing installations. Chlorine dioxide helps control algae, planktonic and sessile bacteria; and biofilm in process piping and therefore makes an excellent choice for use in the treatment of ultrapure water and other applications where environmental performance, reliability and high performance are essential.
Can XzioX chlorine dioxide be used in cooling towers and for cooling water treatment?
The use of XzioX chlorine dioxide in the treatment of cooling water, particularly in cooling towers, closed loops and cooling water systems can greatly assist in the control of Legionella bacteria (the causative organism for Legionnaires' disease), algae, planktonic and sessile bacteria; and biofilm and scale. As a highly effective biocide chlorine dioxide can help maintain legislative compliance, system safety; and the efficiency of heat exchanger surfaces, reservoir intakes and ancillary equipment.
Can XzioX chlorine dioxide be used in food and beverage processing?
XzioX provides excellent microbiological control for the food and beverage processing sectors in areas including brewing and bottling, fruit and vegetables, poultry and other meats including fish, and dairy processes. XzioX chlorine dioxide also provides excellent microbiological control in flume waters, container washing, pasteurisers, packaging operations and process disinfection.
Can we offer XzioX for swimming pools and at what dosage and with what control for the concentration?
Yes, Dosage has to be controlled via a chlorine dioxide analyser, which would need to be set at drinking water limits of 0.5ppm, the analyser will constantly take samples and dispense the required amount of chemical to maintain the level.